Wise Schools Overview

The Wise School staff has helped ESCOs make millions of dollars doing performance contracts on schools across the country. In today’s economy where local people are looking for jobs Wise Schools believes it is time to begin self performing many of the task traditional included in performance contracting packages. The Wise School staff can teach your staff to do the site survey. We can help coordinate the operational changes identified in the survey along with the low and no cost changes. These modifications can generate the savings that can help pay for capital projects.

At the end of the project the school district is left with new green collar trained staff that can continue to improve the schools operation. The staff will understand the energy savings concepts behind the projects. We can help motivate and allow the staff more personal growth and job satisfaction while saving the district money.

This is truly a win for the district, a win for the staff, a win for the community, and a Wise School Win.

Wise Schools Services

The average building uses 20% more energy than necessary.




American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, 2005 Study


How it Works



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